Somos las Hijas de la Madre Tierra, la Yuka y el Zemi Bendecida por el abuelo Guei (Sol) nazidas del vientre de Atabeira Itibakahubaba nuestra madre Tierra.Explore nuestro mundo. Bienvenidas/dos a nuestro ciberespacio disfruten del viaje. Antes de salir, visite nuestras páginas, consulte nuestros enlaces e inicie sesión para seguirnos. Por último, nos encantaría saber de ti. Que tengas un momento maravilloso.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Full Moon message Abuela Inaru. August 18,2016

Takaji (Greetings), Beautiful Daughters of Atabei (mother Earth )

This Full Moon we are reaching the end of Bibi Maroyas first cycle. How beautiful is that?
For us this is known as La Luna de Los Murciélagos (Bats Moon) and it will be a Bat Moon until the next new Moon. 
Then Bibi Maroya will change her halo of light to put on another one of her 13 headdresses; all, so we may never forget the teachings she brings us with each new cycle.

It is fitting that her first cycle is that of the Bat for like the Bat we need to use our ears to listen more.
Note the Bat’s extra sensory hearing, guides it out of the darkness.
A bat does not see with her eyes. She hears, she listens, and thus she sees. So listen and hear beyond your soul. Dig deep and let your female INTUITION help you to become who you want to be.
Bats hang upside down in the dark and in the quiet stillness of their caves waiting for their time to emerge out into the world .
Be like the Bat and guide 
yourself always out of the darkness using your female energy, wisdom, and INTUITION.

Recall when you were in your mother’s womb…in that quiet stillness. While there, in preparation for your birth, you turned and suspended yourself upside down waiting to emerge and begin your journey.
So step out of whatever darkness you find yourself in and know that you can be reborn with each new journey you take in life.
Emerge as our ancestors did from the cave of 
Cacibajagua to then take their journey. Let your DNA remember and Listen well as you move along in life.

Pay attention and hear the voice of earth mother in every living thing and you will find the wisdom each sound will bring. Listen and you will see clearly the road ahead.
So Ladies, wherever you are, whether near or far away, connect spiritually tonight wherever you are, listen just listen. Hear the heartbeat of the world. Smile. Pray. Sing. Dance. Moreover, cry if you have to and embrace the sounds of life. 

Emerge like Bats and spread the seeds of your good thought use them to pollinate the circle of life. Let what emerges from your hearts and souls be the wisdom of right action as well the needed love and understanding we should have towards each other as sisters and for other relatives.

Know that a people’s survival depends on the strength and courage of a nation fueled by the strength and courage of its women.
So fertilize the soil of your environment with good deeds.
Refrain from hurtful gossip and rumors that can only hurt. Release the need for 
recognition,merits and manmade rewards…Just do for what you do in a good way for others will speak for you.

Ultimately your reward will be a peaceful Heart and spirit knowing that you gave of your best to your friends, families and even to those who dislike your being.

Love you all :) Thank you for being in my life :) May the wisdom of Bibi Maroya’s Bat Moon help you always find your way? Abrazotes

Tonight at Sundown I will be playing my Drum and singing prayer songs for our relatives in South Dakota, all our PDJ runners, organizers and coordinators on their way to Panama, the souls of the Miami attack, and others among our people who ask for prayer.
Join me in spirit wherever you are.

Abuela Vanessa Meztli Inaru 

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