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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Love my skirt :)

I love long skirts   I love how they gently flow across the face of mother earth with a quiet kiss for her .
I love walking in a circle of power ... for as you walk the shadow of your skirt forms a circle where you are standing in the center  
Abuelo Sol then smiles and reminds you of how special and how sacred you as a giver of life mujer   Like Abuela Luna who is luminous in her fullness and round like so many other celestial bodies in our magnificent and beautiful universe , may you also form many luminous circles in your very own journey around the sun.
Haci es que Wear your skirts with respect for yourselves. See how the shadows they form around you remind you of the circles of life . Walk quietly in wisdom and strength of spirit in those circles and bring honor to your people in the way of your ancestors . Walk with love upon mother earth mis hijas and she in turn will love you. Love you Full circle 💖💗🙏
Ata Inaru.

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