With respect to New Year
The Gregorian calendar became the world standard in 1582. Before this point, there were many more cultural calendar traditions than are in use today. Generally speaking, these calendrical lineages were nature-based, highlighting the changing seasons of one's local lands. Also, these maps of time connected people to their sacred relationship to time, elucidating cycles that united the microcosm of one's life with the macrocosm of the Universe. Nowadays, it seems that our sense of time is largely divorced from a connection to Nature's cycles, and that in many ways we have lost touch with the sacred and magical dimension of time. For the most part, we have been conditioned with a linear sense of time, and have come to accept the emptiness of the 12 Gregorian Calendar months which do little to inspire our connection to the larger Universe. So Relatives enjoy the moment but do not forget who you are.
Stay connected to the ways of your ancestors , 🌎 Mother earth and this magnificent universe.
Think Native so you may walk in Balance
Seneko Kakona Ata Bibi Inaru 🌸🤗🙏🌺🌻🌷
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