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Monday, September 23, 2019

Fall Equinox :) Fill your baskets with love

The weather today clearly did not reflect the calendar time table that indicates the day as the beginning of Fall But since it is mother nature who is in charge it is her call as to how the seasonal changes come about... In any case, many of us are thinking it is the fall and time to celebrate the harvest
As such with that thought to mind I will share with you my thoughts on today by referring to the title of a beautiful Poem Bibi Karaira posted on our page "White Girls in My Spanish class.
I love poetry because it is yet another art form of expressing what is in our souls and in this mindset is why
I think we need to remove the words white /Black from our vocabulary when we are referring to people Because in this society the words white /Black sadly always come down to some expression or form of racist hate.
This poem the "White Girls in My Spanish Class in its title unintentionally leans in that direction and it is not because the poet is racist, for She is not.
Fact is if you get to read or hear the poem you can feel the beauty and the pain of the poets spirit in her words and that is something a racist mindset can not do or even understand, for a racist does not have beauty in their souls nor can it enter while they are promoting hate and drinking its elixir.
Now totally understand the way the poet tries to convey her pain in the use of the word white but not all will understand this and the truth is not all white people are evil or bad and sadly that can also come across unintentionally not only in this poem but in many other compositions of the spoken word.
I myself have had to rethink what I write and or say because good people come in a rainbow of skin tones and smiles:).
Good people do not need to feel discriminated against with the use of words that for the most part have been twisted around to mean something other than their true meaning and now have racist connotations.
Black /white is a color, not a person and for sure not an inferior one... they also are not our words.
So it is I often I think how very beautiful if we only knew and or spoke our own native languages fluently enough to use them.
I do not doubt that our ancestral language is filled with words that would express how our people feel about all the wrongs and or rights that affect humanity yet our native languages do so without using words that move us in the direction of anger or racist hate instead they move us more into understanding ourselves. Our native languages inspire us to be better human beings awesome is that.

Words have power and in their power, they can transform our mindset. As such we need words that lead us into better human communications and bring us together as relatives in good ways without diminishing what we have to say about the detrimental effects of racial discrimination and injustice.
So it is we all should be on a quest to eliminate the words white /black and others like them with twisted meanings made to promote hate when it comes to people.
Fact is we actually should give all haters more fitting names as the opposers of good. You see all opposers to good are hateful, harmful and extremely confused humans. Most are totally out of balance and out of harmony with all life ... to make matters worse they also live on planet earth.

We know this because our ancestor did they were very aware of them but it was not based on the color of their skin but on their actions. Our ancestors were so aware of the harm haters could bring into the lives of others that they left us the story of the two caves where mankind came out of... One was Kasibajaguar where the good people emerged from.. and the other cave Amayauna where the maboya people came from. Both were Araguake both walked the earth only the Amayauna brought pain tears and suffering and from that suffering, we learned to be even more aware of the importance of love and respect for in the long run the Amayauna people destroyed themselves in the process of trying to destroy us.
As such we today as a people should ask ourselves or as individuals are we using words that bring pain to others and divide us as relatives ??? or are we truly walking in the footsteps of our ancestors by using words that bring the much needed healing our people need ???.
Are we walking in the footsteps of our oppressor by oppressing others with our actions?
Or are we embracing the wisdom of our Zemis ( Spirit ) as the sons and daughters of Itibakahubaba? (mother earth) Are we truly living our culture as a nation of the good and Noble people that emerged from the heart of Kasibajguar.?
Are we flying with the Sacred Guaraguau ( Red Tail Hawk ) to greet Abuelo sol each sunrise with love or are we on the road to self-destruction with those who emerged from Amayauna filled with hate?
Let's give that some thought today as we enter into another season where the harvest is celebrated and mother earth begins her preparations for the long sleep she will take on this side of the world come winter.
Lets truly try to clear our minds of all destructive thought and embrace our differences in such a way that we learn to appreciate each other with true Taino love, compassion and respect wisely.

Happy Fall Equinox may your life's harvest Jaba (basket ) be filled with greatness and may your words bring healing
Think native walk in balance 🌹❤️🤗 Ata Bibi Inaru

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