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Monday, August 16, 2021

Haiti May The World hear Your Voice and Come to Your Aide

The country of Haiti needs help big time ...Crime, Political corruption, civil

unrest, extreme poverty, drugs and so much more have been devastating this tiny country since the French, the Catholic Church, slavery, genocide, religious persecution and greed due to the inhumane takeover by euro colonizers began.

Now to make matters even worse for people already suffering from the

devastating historical trauma of so much abuse caused by the ongoing legacy of

Columbus and all who came to these lands to rob, rape, enslave, and via genocide

take what was never theirs they are forced to struggle to survive with very

little help.

Sadly the earthquakes and other natural disasters that are apart

of mother earth's changing patterns, climate change etc will make it even more

difficult for the good people of this tiny country to pull themselves out of all

the severe and in some cases the total and complete social chaos and physical

destruction they are now facing. To compound the problem even more poverty

, homelessness plus COVID are also causing conditions in the country that may

very well be the cause of the collapse of its already strained medical programs etc.

Haiti is like a country where Bombs have been dropped only the bombs hitting

Haiti are coming from the ongoing legacy of Columbus which is still very much


The world needs to help and not just with short term solutions but with

long-term aide and investments.

The Catholic Church should be the first to send

big-time aid…given that historically it has stolen so much wealth from these lands.

Like somebody tell the Pope and some billionaires people are more important

than some old burned down medieval cathedrals.

France also owes it to help as they collected over 21 billion dollars as a payoff and

for what ?.

For what the French considered the “crime” of shaking off the yoke

of involuntary servitude, Haiti dutifully paid France reparations over the

the course of nearly six generations.

There is so much pain and more the people of

this tiny country has had to endure so they could live as free people. 

In 1937 President of the Dominican republic massacre an estimated 20,000 Haitians 

before it became public.

To this day the discrimination continues to a lesser

degree but it still prevails on an island that was divided by the Vatican and

euro conquest greed of the so-called discovery by Columbus ???

Just the other day their President was assassinated and now a

severe tropical possible hurricanes threatens to bring severe flooding behind all

the rubble of collapsing infrastructures. 

The death toll behind the recent earthquake is over 1,400 and
the injured over 5,000 … and counting.

So mi gente lets not only send good thoughts for the people of Haiti lets also urge

our governments and people to help Haiti best way they can. 

In the meantime, there is a shortlist of organizations you can contact to send donations via Miami Herald (Link below).

Note: Send your good thoughts and prayers but attached a donation if you can to it.

Online you can also find organizations whatever however you can give

Lastly, the Great Spirit help us all the world needs to go back to the original instructions

before it is too late for not just Haiti but all of humanity.

Like how many fires can we put out when the whole world is on fire due to man's inhumanity to

and disrespect of Mother Earth and more ???


Bohio Atabei will dedicate our Women's circle on Tuesday, August 31,2021, to Haiti and we will also do a collective request to send a donation on our behalf via  UNICEF for Haiti.

 We also invite you to join us in spirit this Full Moon August 21,2021 from wherever you find yourself

at Solar Noon EST 1-2 PM in unification of our spirits in an ancestral invocation for the good of Haiti.

Contact us at to get included if you wish on our mailing list for Zoom cast or find us on Facebook and Whatsapp Bohío Atabei Inaruno Guaribono/ women warriors

 Hahomm Bohio Atabei  Much love💖🌻.

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