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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Taino Women at the forefront :) of Indigenous Peoples Day Newton Massachusetts Monday October 11, 2021

Bohio Atabei is very proud and honored to have two Taino women warriors at 

the forefront of Indigenous Peoples Day in Newton Massachusetts.
Jaguars Chalinaru Dones and Dr. Darlene Flores are both members of our circle.
These two warriors took on the Boston Marathon, the Newton city council,
and others to get Columbus Day removed from the city as an official holiday.


As a result of their hard work, perseverance, and speaking truth to power,
the day was renamed Indigenous Peoples Day in honor of the
indigenous people of this land and all indigenous peoples who have
endured for over 529 years the deplorable legacy of
Christopher Columbus ( the Hitler of the Americas who certainly does not
deserve any honors much less a holiday to commemorate the
atrocities committed against Indigenous People and other relatives. 


Please join our Taino sisters and the Native Nations, Bands,
and Tribes of the Newton Massachusetts Indigenous Peoples of these lands,
their indigenous relatives from throughout all of the Americas, and the Indigenous
First Nations of the Caribbean,
( the very first native nations 
to encounter and fight against 
the onset of the genocide perpetuated and by Christopher Columbus
the first nations to lay down their lives for the right to
self-determination of all indigenous peoples

Recognizing that we stand on colonized unceded indigenous lands,
we thank you for answering the Ancestral call for truth and justice.


We invite you to continue to walk in ways that honor indigenous peoples
and to take the actions necessary so that racialized violence, conflict,
and domination become a thing of the past.
Together we can and will create a world of Peace and Justice
for past, present, and future generations.

Join the Newton community, and all our relatives who are taking
part in and supporting this historic event to celebrate the first annual
Indigenous Peoples Day, speaking truth to power in the beautiful county
of Newton Massachusetts.
With an impressive list of native speakers and presentations,
this event promises to be an extraordinary celebration. 
Together as members of a diverse family let us honor the beauty, strength,
and resilience of the Human Spirit in the quest for truth and good relations 
among all nations, people, and each other.

As a Lakota Respected Elder reminds us in his words
Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related).

 Article : Kingsbridge news 
by C Inarunikia Metztli  Bohio Atabei .💖

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