Somos las Hijas de la Madre Tierra, la Yuka y el Zemi Bendecida por el abuelo Guei (Sol) nazidas del vientre de Atabeira Itibakahubaba nuestra madre Tierra.Explore nuestro mundo. Bienvenidas/dos a nuestro ciberespacio disfruten del viaje. Antes de salir, visite nuestras páginas, consulte nuestros enlaces e inicie sesión para seguirnos. Por último, nos encantaría saber de ti. Que tengas un momento maravilloso.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another Native Princess Has Arrived

The women of the Bohio of Atabei are overjoyed with the
the arrival of Kayaani Mautia Borrero, born on
March 26, 2008 at 4:550pm to Joselyn Grant-Borrero of the Tlingit
Nation (Teslin, Canada) and
Kacike Roberto Múkaro Borrero of the Taino Nation (Borikén).
Múkaro is the current President and Chairman of the UCTP
Office of International Relations and Regional Coordination

Kayaani is a beautiful, healthy baby girl weighing 8lbs 9oz,she is 20 and
1/2 inches at birth.

Joselyn, Nakota, Mainaku, Kayaani and Mukaro have expressed their appreciation in a heartfelt
bo'matum (thank you) to all community members and friends from around
the world who have sent good wishes and prayers for their family
during this very special time.

Women Are The Strength And Heart Beat Of A Nation

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