I have posted a few pictures of Peace and Dignity Run Gathering ceremony, which was held at Riverbank Park on Friday June 13, 2008 in NYC
There are also some pictures of Sunrise ceremony held on Saturday June 14 just prior to start of the run.
Attending the Friday Danza gathering in preparation for send off of the runners were relatives from several native nations who came to share their good words and wishes for all the run participants.
Bohio Atabei Taino women’s circle was represented by Angie Nanichi Kolibri and Elder Yuyaboaaru.
On Saturday June 14th Elder Yuyaboaaru ,UCTP president and Iukaieke Guainia Chief Roberto Mucaro Aweibana Borrero as well as Young Taino Warrior Alex Kuyaya Aku Pastrano member of UCTP youth group and Cacibajagua Taino Cultural Society, joined the runners for sunrise ceremony at Shorakapok park. In the heights of upper Manhattan ...
This park better known to non natives of the area as Inwood Hill Park is a sacred site for the Lenape people and the last natural forest and salt marsh in Manhattan ,
Its Lenape name means “the edge of the river,”
Sunrise ceremony at this sacred site was indeed a fitting place for the presentation of the UCTP Taino, Carib Arawak people’s staff by Kasike Borrero to the two young Taino warriors participating in the run. The sacred staff of our people will be carried by these two Taino warriors during the entire run.
During the ceremony the emergence of father sun’s bright rays of light formed the image of an eagles head along side the sacred mountains.
As the sound of the Wamo was heard in the silence of the wind, it felt as if the entire native warrior spirits of this beautiful place had awaken to our call.
In the beauty and power of these surrounding, we prayed and sang our songs.
Each runner thus was ready in body, mind and spirit for the noble mission ahead...
To take part in the beginning of this run also held an unexpected honor for me and my nephew Kuyaya as we were both given a staff to carry for the onset of this journey.
When we all came down from the mountain we walked thru the streets of upper Manhattan crossing the George Washington Bridge into New Jersey , once there runners were already waiting to receive the staffs and continue on coarse...
I never dreamed in a million years at my age I would be walking the distance between these sacred mountains and the state of New Jersey with a sacred staff.
I was even more thrilled at the fact that Kuyaya at 13 years old was taking part in such a sacred and noble endeavor if only for a short time……
In this way focused and full of hope for our people, our nations and all humanity The Peace and Dignity Runners commenced the run from the Eastern coastal door of Turtle Island .
It all felt to brief for Kuyaya and me …but totally well worth it spiritually. Both kuyaya and I vowed to do the entire run in 2012…..Indeed an awesome experience I thought wow nothing tops this.
When we got home while I soaked my aching but happy feet in warm water with Epsom salt, Kuyaya walked into the room wearing his Taino jacket and said You know Titi I feel so proud to be Taino really proud, I’m already getting ready for 2012 so I asked God to bless our people and to bless our runners for they are our messengers of peace..Titi.I sure hope people,listen all people
So enjoy the pictures relatives…and please continue to support the Peace and dignity runners’ Checkout the web page
Do what you can to help……Elder Yuyaboaaru Metzli.
For more pictures and follow up also check
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