The spider is a symbol of mystery, power and growth.
as such just as the spider weaves a web, so too must we weave our own lives. The spider moon
serves as a reminder that our choices construct our lives. Thus its message is to be ever mindful of the choices we are making.
serves as a reminder that our choices construct our lives. Thus its message is to be ever mindful of the choices we are making.
Spiders weave webs that are functional, practical, and ingenious in design - their webs serve as homes, food storage, egg incubators - They are seemingly limitless in their functionality.
When we consider this ingenious diversity, we should consider our own creativity.
Are we designing the most effective life? for ourselves… Because we are all meant to shine consider the teachings the Guabas give us just by weaving a web.
Are we designing the most effective life? for ourselves… Because we are all meant to shine consider the teachings the Guabas give us just by weaving a web.
We as women are the keepers of the force of life and like the Guaba we have the power to create and to get rid of and destroy limitations in our lives… so we can develop our talents and access our spiritual potentials in the best of ways … so we can be of positive service to all our relations.
So weave your webs ladies :)
This Full Moon may the Guaba's teachings help you to remember that you can create the life you want.
Think like the Spider and take the necessary actions to bring your dreams into a reality.
And like Bibi karaya you also can wear a luminous white Yuka headdress and celebrate
Not just the physical growth of a field, but the spiritual growth of our people as a natural and organic process in our lives.
Takahi N'itu's we will be having ceremony for karaya (full moon) on
Saturday, October 7th at 4pm Inwood HIll Park, we will meet by the entrance on 218th St. Indian Rd.
Saturday, October 7th at 4pm Inwood HIll Park, we will meet by the entrance on 218th St. Indian Rd.
Let's unite our spirits and strengthen each other for the work to come, for our communities for our nation.
And for those who are far away we are always with you, create that sacred space and be in sync with us wherever you are. Seneko kakona
And for those who are far away we are always with you, create that sacred space and be in sync with us wherever you are. Seneko kakona
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