Somos las Hijas de la Madre Tierra, la Yuka y el Zemi Bendecida por el abuelo Guei (Sol) nazidas del vientre de Atabeira Itibakahubaba nuestra madre Tierra.Explore nuestro mundo. Bienvenidas/dos a nuestro ciberespacio disfruten del viaje. Antes de salir, visite nuestras páginas, consulte nuestros enlaces e inicie sesión para seguirnos. Por último, nos encantaría saber de ti. Que tengas un momento maravilloso.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Warrior Grandmother Bibi Mildred Karaira Gandia Reyes

On January 24,2018 :) in Florida the ancestors sounded the Guamo 
Boricuas were asked once again to march and strong for Boriken.

Our Bibi Karaira did not hesitate as she has done many times before to respond. As such she proudly stood in the front lines of a recent march aimed at putting pressure on politicians like Marco Rubio in Florida who have supported the present administrations disregard for our Island homeland in the wake of Hurricane Maria
Our Bibi dressed in her Taino regalia spoke at this event … and as is her way ,she let them have it. !!!

She  spoke up and with conviction and courage let Rubio know and others How dare they come to our island ask for our support to then turn their backs on our people.She let them know Boriken se RESPETA !!! and the people of Boriken will not forget.
Bibi Millie Karaira is  one of our WARRIOR Abuelas and sits on our council .She brings honor to our people.
Bomatum Bibi karaira for your teachings and for standing strong as a proud Taino woman. 

The following are a few pictures of our Bibi in action. 

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